First Thought Cloud


Posted by Elif Varol | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on May 21, 2011

Welcome to the my long overdue blog. I have never been keen on writing even in my own native language so the idea of having a blog had not been appealing for a while however, I was aware that I had to change this attitude towards writing.  I have lots of thoughts flying around in my head all the time, just like the ones in a thought cloud. These thoughts are rather disorganised and they sometimes come and go quickly before I put them in to good use.  I am hoping this blog will help me to achieve that as well as reaching out others particularly Information Management professionals.

A brief description for those who do not know me…

I am originally Turkish and have been living in this country for almost 13 years and before you ask, I like being here very much. I have been working in the University Library for over 7 years where I currently hold 2 posts- Library Assistant and E-resources Assistant. I have various qualifications, none of which are in the Library or Information Management field as I had planned to become something else when I grew up other than a Librarian. I came in to the profession by chance and at first, it was a temporary career step however over the years, I have grown into loving anything related to information and information management and become so passionate about it and now I really do not want to work in another field.

In this blog, I will be writing about conferences and events I have been to as well as sharing thoughts, ideas and problems I (we) face in the field of Library and Information Management.

Comments (1)

Hi Elif, I love the name of your blog, it’s a great name to capture the purpose of your blog and how you feel about getting your thoughts down in writing. I think librarianship also really benefits from having people like you in it who have different qualifications and experiences, that way we can learn from alternative perspectives and we all benefit. 🙂

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